‘If you truly want to understand the present, or yourself, you must begin in the past.
You see, history is not simply the study of the past. It is an explanation of the present.’
— Paul Hunham (The Holdovers 2023)
As part of the Southern Ontario Cocaine Anonymous Area Service Committee , the Chair of Archive Standing Committee (est. July 11, 2015), acts as a liaison to C.A. fellowship in Southern Ontario and assists their needs in regards to C.A.’s history in Southern Ontario and communicating these needs to the SOCA Archivist who is most familiar with the contents of the SOCA Archive repository.
The purpose of the SOCA Archive Committee is to collect, preserve, organize, and catalogue the work of Cocaine Anonymous in Southern Ontario; make its history accessible to C.A. members; and curate a context for understanding C.A.’s progression, principles and traditions.
The history of the founding of the fellowship in Southern Ontario (February 2, 1987) is a vital and informative resource. We need always acknowledge our background in order to secure our collective future. Historic records help us to sift through our day-to-day experience in recovery and reach back for the shared experience of the past. Sorting the myth from the facts we can ensure that our original message of recovery, unity and service remains the same in a changing, growing, expanding Fellowship.
Lisa C.B. (SOCA Archive Chair – (02-2025 to 02-2027)
Requirement: (2-year continuous sobriety required, 2-year term)
Duties & Responsibilities
- Responsible to form a committee and elect (internally) a Vice-Chair.
- Has been a member of the Archives Committee for a minimum of one year.
- Basic computer knowledge and organizational skills are required.
- Duties include documenting the work of Cocaine Anonymous in Southern Ontario, including making the history of the organization accessible to CA members.
- Presents a written report at quarterly Area Committee Meetings.
- Receive copies of all materials including documents, flyers and reports from Area Elected representatives.
Cameron F. (SOCA Archivist)
Tradition Eight: Cocaine Anonymous should remain forever nonprofessional, but our service centres may employ special workers.
From shared experience we know that it takes a considerable amount of time to become familiar with a collection of historical information. Thus, “in the spirit of rotation — the more responsible the assignment the longer the term of service must be if we are to have effectiveness. Bill Wilson writes that for a trustee to be of any use whatever they must serve four years.” (CA NewsGram, Third Quarter 2003, Vol. 19 No. 3. Concept Eleven—Best possible ‘members’) Therefore, it is recommended that the archivist NOT rotate frequently. (A.A. Archives Workbook, 2001)
Prerequisite: A minimum of two (2) years continuous sobriety and a C.A. member.
Recommended Experience: A C.A. Member and elder states-person who is familiar with The Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts of Cocaine Anonymous and has good organizational skills, as well as excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Should have strong computer skills, both personal and server-side, as well as experience with office equipment—scanners, photocopiers, Optical Character recognition software (OCR). The Archivist ought have a strong working knowledge of the policy, procedures and Guidelines of the Archive Committee. Archiving knowledge and practice is an asset.
- Voting Member of the Archive Committee.
- Attend Archive Committee Meetings.
- Upholds The 12 Traditions And 12 Concepts.
- SERVE as the focal person for the collection/repository.
- Responsible for collecting, preserving, cataloging and curating the SOCA archives.
- Liaises with the Archive Chair and Committee members.
- Acts as the guardian of the SOCA Archive repository and responsible for its protection, security, and maintenance.
- Mentor an Assistant Archivist, training them in all the duties of the SOCA Archivist